Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Non-book related things...that affect me reading books!

So, I am sure you all have noticed how much my reading has slowed down. It is a source of sadness and stress for me because I have so MANY wonderful books to read and review for you!

I just wanted to let you all know why. It is a combination of being gone on vacation (I was in Southern Utah and California for a week and a half), getting ready for and having birthdays (today is my birthday and Saturday is my daughter's birthday), and me being tired and spending my extra time napping rather than reading because....

I'm pregnant with #2!

So don't think I am abandoning this blog! I am coming into my second trimester, feeling better and hopefully will be able to devote more time to reading again soon! I love all of my readers and author friends and will hopefully have more for you soon!

Happy Reading!


Eli said...

Happy Birthday! And tell your daughter Happy early Birthday! I know exactly what you mean by having to slow down for the real world-- last year everything in the world happened and I had to practically stop blogging for several months. You take all the time you need! We'll be here waiting. :)

Jena said...

Happy Birthday and Congrats!

Unknown said...

Oh Aubrey, you've been very busy! ;p you're going thru that hormonal state right now that your brain is probably fried.

Just take a break, relax and the reading will come back.

Congratulation on #2 and Happy Birthday, Dear!

Jerilynn said...

I just have one super duper BIG SMILE for you :)!!!