Aubrey started blogging with SpeedReader at My Favorite Author in 2008, When MFA had to be shut down for a period of time she started My Pile of Books!
She found the title of her new blog in a poem about books. Here it is:
Books to the ceiling
Books to the sky
My pile of books is a mile high
How I love them! How I need them!
I'll have a long beard by the time I read them!
by Arnold Lobel
She thought this poem was great, because it definitely describes her experience with books. She always not only want to read more than she can, but own more than she can possibly read.
This is why she invited her reading friends Guinevere and ErinWrites to be contributors on the blog.
We read Young Adult (YA) mostly. Some adult, middle grade, and even picture books might slip in here, but we all love, love, love young adult!
We hope you sincerely enjoy our blog, and continue reading.