I was super lucky enough to have a friend that got tickets to go and invited me! Woot! I had been waiting for this one.
Here's our group of Austen fans, Shannon fans, overall book fans!
The BEAUTIFUL Egyptian theater in Ogden, UT.
Jerusha Hess (the co-writer and director for the film), and author Shannon Hale taking questions after the show. They talked about how much fun it was, some fun things that happened on set, and what's next for both of them.
At the after party!
Yeah, that's me and Shannon. ;) I've met her several times and she is just one of the most amazing people!
At the after party they had these awesome actors dressed up in period garb.
And in fancy human sized bird cages -- swoon!
And the BEST part of it all!? Sony bought the rights to the film that night, so AUSTENLAND the movie will be coming to theaters near you this summer!
It was absolutely hilarious. Any lover of Austen, or even those who like to make fun of us Austen-lovers will absolutely laugh their heads off at this film! You MUST put it on your to-see list! I plan on going again!