Easy enough for my 5 year old to play (mostly, sometimes she needs help, but she's not a big gamer and has never really played a game like this before -- so if your child is good on other games this would be perfect!) but so entertaining enough that my hubs and I have stayed up till past midnight the last few nights playing. We had a good long laugh when we kept falling short on a challenge mini-game and at the end of one Jack Sparrow announced "Well that was horrible" just before the "Nice Disney narrator guy" said "Good try!".
Plus, here's another little plug. My husband helped code the game. His company had a contract job with Avalanche (the main creators). So go check it out! And a hint -- buy the figurines NOW if you're gonna save the packs for Christmas or something. They are on sale at walmart (but they don't advertise it in the store! They're just cheaper at checkout!) Just an FYI.
For more on the game go to: https://infinity.disney.com/
2) DOWNTON NEWS!!!! I love this show! And although I wasn't super in love with season 3...I am still very much looking forward to season 4. Masterpiece has released the three new male cast members, and a bit of who their characters are. Check that out here:
3) And lastly, do you remember that AMAZING movie I went to go see with my friends at Sundance? AUSTENLAND? Adapted from Shannon Hale's novel? Well it's out in theaters and being released all around the country and I am SO excited to see it again! Here's the link so you can find it in your neck of the woods!