You Wish
Mandy Hubbard
Details: August 5th 2010 by Razorbill
Paperback, 272 pages
Placement in Pile:
Reaching New Heights
Summary: Kayla McHenry’s sweet sixteen sucks! Her dad left, her grades dropped, and her BFF is dating the boy
Kayla’s secretly loved for years. Blowing out her candles,
Kayla thinks: I wish my birthday wishes actually
came true. Because they never freakin’ do.
Kayla wakes the next day to a life-sized, bright pink
My Little Pony outside her window. Then a year’s
supply of gumballs arrives. A boy named Ken with
a disturbing resemblance to the doll of the same
name stalks her. As the ghosts of Kayla’s wishes-past
appear, they take her on a wild ride . . . but they
MUST STOP. Because when she was fifteen? She
wished Ben Mackenzie would kiss her. And Ben is
her best friend’s boyfriend.
You Wish is typical chick lit, bubble gum popping, boy-crushing, fun! To be frank, I loved it. All of its cute one liners and boy-girl/love-hate comedy. In the same fashion of
Prada and Prejudice, Mandy Hubbard, author and now awesome Lit agent, details a story about a slightly quirky girl stuck in the woes of everyday life. Sound like you? It sure fit me a few years back…ok, maybe more than a few. Anyway, Hubbard's chick lit semi-fairy-tale-esque story is quick paced, a light and easy read, and most importantly it rings true with most teenage girls.
My only criticism is despite the punchiness of the book, the ending lacked luster. I was hoping for something a bit more. But then again, I could just be too picky. You'll have to decide that one on your own.
My suggestion: If you have a teenage girl at home who maybe isn't miss popular and perfect at everything, than this book is for her. Because sometimes, maybe a lot of the time, what we wish for isn't necessarily what we need.